Andy stops by the local bike shop and adds some accessories to his bike |
This Post is authored by Dan:
Thursday, June 1, 2011
73 miles later, we arrive at Smokey Bears Park at International Falls Park. The tents are west up in the shadows of Boise Paper mill. And the din of the factory is so different than the frogs and flowers from the day before. The big city brings different sounds and smells, but the town has one very good coffee shop. Politics and coffee are shared wit Jim Klobaushar, our trip organizer and fearless leader with whistle. The first rain of the ride begins around lunch, and now we know we want good weather for tomorrow’s ride is rumored to be 80 miles rather than the listed 65 miles.
International falls is the home of legendary Bronco Nagurski. A Museum in his honor is next to our tents so we all take a looksee. Tourism is alive and well as we all take a boat ride on Rainy River in Voyager Par. It reminds me of Arcadia, Maine.
We next take in Boise Paper Mill, which really made us feel like we’d been through the mill. The green hard hats, Safety glasses and headphones brought certain grittiness to our gentle California nature.
Hoping our unshaven mugs and suspect body odors would suffice, we headed for the
Canadian border. We rode our sore bodies into Canada to the ‘Rendezvous’ Restaurant for dinner. What a revelation, aching joints and muscles suddenly became one with the bike, we to a man felt better.
Upon returning to camp we were met by the initiation crew. Ten years before, a woman rider was killed while training for the ride. Ever since, in her memory the initiation has always been to same: painted toes for the new riders. Our toes and nails have brought out an intense desire to ever do dishes again. The smell of nail polish wafts across the park and all is well. Tomorrow bring on the 80 for we are the brotherhood of the Fish Hooks.
Watercolor of Koochiching County Courthouse in International Falls |
Koochiching County Courthouse |
or tails? |
heads |
John and Rocky |
Boat ride and tour of Voyageurs National Park |
Tour of the Boise Paper Mill in International Falls |
Cyclist tour of Paper Mill |
Rick and John at the Canadian Border |
At the Canadian Border with the Long Beach Press Telegram |
Wood for the Paper Mill in Canada |
Kumbaya |
Initiation of the Californians |
What happens in Minnesota stays in Minnesota |
Don't Ask |
Don't Ask |
Campfire sing along, help me Rhonda!! |
Perhaps with this experience soon behind you it will give you the courage to follow your other life long dream of forming a tuba sextet.