This Post authored by Andy:
Thursday, June 16, 2011
We awoke to grey skies to begin the longest ride of our 7-day trek – 80 miles today from International Falls to Big Fork. We all unexpectedly set new personal bests for one-day of bicycling after reading an optimistic itinerary that told us to plan for a 65 mile day. Luckily it was a cool overcast day with no rain. Today and numerous planned stops with drink and food topped by ice cones in Eppie. Scott Peterson was recognized at our final dinner tonight as the most diligent cyclist.
Over the course of six days, we made many new friends and found the Klobisher riders to be a close knit group that looks forward to the “Jaunt with Jim” much as an annual family reunion. Much to our delight, these folks are a diverse and talented group. They taught us much about bicycling – there were many types of cycles from folding bikes to road bikes to recumbents and trikes. Top of list was John Murrin’s three-speed antique Road Show bike.
Tonight we rest for our final leg back to Blackduck and our vehicles that take us away from our new friends and as great adventure comes to an end.
80 mile route from International Falls to Big Fork |
Big Fork, Minnesota, population 464 |
Morning orientation at International Falls |
Singing tribute to Jim Klobuchar |
Flying High |
Dan's backside |
Big Fork River |
Bob and Dan at big Fork |
Double decker outhouse...take the high road |
Finally a Big Fork sighting |
John departs a day early to meet with his parole officer |
Scotty, gets awarded the determination award... 76 yrs old...400 miles |
Danc'n Dan |
OMG...NOT THE CHICKEN DANCE...what happens in Minnesota... |
Dan has issues after 80 Miles in the Saddle |
Hi Fishhookers!
ReplyDeleteI am a long time Klobie rider who could not make the trip this year, to my dismay. Thank you for your blog. It was great to see pictures of all my friends and view the ride through your lens. The watercolors are fantastic. What an artist! Also, I am encouraged by the man who rode his three speed the entire trip. I have long wanted to take the trip on one of my balloon tire bikes, but never quite had the nerve. You've given me a little hope that maybe it could be done.
Thanks again,
Happy trails,
Dusty Pence,
My good friend and fellow architect, Jon followed our blog and was inspired to write the following tribute to me and my fellow riders:
Bud Light Presents Real Men of Genius
(Real Men of Genius)
Today we salute you Mr. Bike To The Border Dude
(Mr. Bike To The Border Dude)
Perhaps fashions greatest mystery
What makes guys over 50 say, "I think I need to wear tight stretchy pants"?
(I don't know)
The very height of indifference, nothing says I could give a rats rear end like your saddle sore microfiber wrapped junk show
(Taking no prisoners)
A look that is half 10 speed ballerina, half velodrome spiderman, and full on Spandex-tastic
Sure it's gauche, but you don't give that much attention to your coefficient of drag NOT to be noticed
(Look at MEEE)
So crack open an ice cold Bud Light Mr. Bike To The Border Dude
Because it takes a REAL man to wear tights
(Mr. Bike To The Border Dude)